Monday, September 27, 2010

Research Regarding Blogs in the Classroom

Hi everyone! I am conducting research for a project that I am currently working on. I am interested in hearing your thoughts about this subject since you are utilizing the technology that I am researching (e.g. blogs).

Please respond by Friday, Oct. 1 a response to the question listed below. This can be posted using the comment feature or if you would like for your comment to remain between you and me, please email me at I encourage you to respond using the comment feature, not a post to your own blog (however, email is acceptable).

Question:  What did you know about blogging before this class? If you had not heard about blogging, what were  your first impressions before you posted for the first time. How do you feel about the technology now after utilizing if for nearly a month (consider how it has helped you in terms of comprehension of reading and writing assignments and contact between you and I).


  1. I didn't know much about blogging before the class. My first impression of blogging was non stop chatting or blogging, but after using it for a month i see it's an effective way to review and post my work for my class. It's also a way to get ideas from my class mates when I'm stuck on an assignment.

  2. I knew about blogging before I started college. After moving to Missouri in the last semester of my senior year my English teacher required our college English class to blog every day. The blog had to consist of the things we learned that day in class/ homework assignments/ the overall view of the class. Our blog entries were due every day by 7pm. It was kind of tough if you didn’t go to class because you would lose daily points. I thought the blogging in high school was harder than what we have to blog about for class. When I have to blog now I really enjoy it, because it’s not so demanding as it was before. I feel like the blogging is an easier way of communication between student and teacher and it helps me to understand just a little bit more each day.

  3. Though I had known of blogging before this class, I had never done so. In fact I had only ever read a couple of blogs by my Pastor in the past, and had never really taken the time to utilize the technology. Now that I have, I find it interesting and enjoy it. It is kind of like the question and answer spot on yahoo, which I have used, and enjoy very much, though I am not sure it could be considered a blog. I like the way you have set it up for communication between students, and knowing the way everyone on the net can see what I write, has forced me to think more of what I say and how I say it. It has also taught me to proof read, proof read, and proof read, since the first and second time I posted my first essay to my blog, was full of errors. The only thing I would like to see done as well, is to know the blog spots of my other class mates, so I can follow their blogs, and not only get to know them better by their writing, but see how others approach their homework and writing assignments.

  4. I had heard of blogging and followed a friend's blog for the past few months, prior to college. I think blogging is more apart of ourlives than people realize. Every time you make a post on Facebook or a Community website, you are blogging. It may not be as formal as the one for class, but you are still blogging.
    I have enjoyed using the blog system, so far. I would much rather type out my opinions and ideas, instead of writing them by hand. It's also a great way to conserve paper usage. I've actually send my wife my blog webpage so she can follow my work.
    Granted it may be time consuming and some what a pain, but in the long run I think it's going to benefit all of us to have gone through the process of blogging.

  5. Regarding Classroom Blogs

    I had heard of blogging; however I never researched, tried it or knew anyone that blogged. Okay I think you could blog on Face Book or maybe MySpace but it was through their sites. I remember my first impression thinking “omg. “ That’s all I need is another account with something else I have to learn how to use and manage.

    Once I got more familiar with it. I thought” it wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be.” You can either type your assignments up in the comment and post it or type it in word. I have grown fonder of blogging some days more then others, but I think I kind of like blogging.

    I do like that you can just pull up the classroom blog and view it. The Blog has easy communication. You get feedback quicker on your journal entries; you can also comment back and ask questions without opening any other e-mail to do so. The more I am using this online Blogging the more benefits I am finding with it.
