Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reminder for the Final Drafts

Remember class that you will turn in your rough drafts (that I have commented on) with your final draft on Monday.

Final submissions are due at the beginning of class. Also on Friday, I will show you an evaluation that you will post to your blog. I will include this self evaluation in a separate post. If you know how, please copy and paste the questions into your text box of your blog. You will need to key in your own answers. This is an evaluation of Task One. I will allow you until Wednesday, September 22, to complete this assignment.

Remember that I will not assign a letter grade to this final draft, because of the focus of revision. The idea in mind is that if you need the additional time even after the final draft is due, that you will be given appropriate time to work on any of the following areas of writing:

1) Sentence structure (e.g. fragments, run-on sentences)
2) Detail
3) Supporting material
4) Introduction
5) Conclusion
6) Proofreading

I do, however, encourage everyone to ask about their individual prospective grades about each task paper.

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