Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Late Work

As stated in the syllabus, I do not accept late work. We are into the second week of classes. As I stated in class on Friday, I will provide some "wiggle worm" for these first few assignments (e.g. meaning the posts that you make this week). If you are uploading your assignments to your blog account on the day that it is due, then you have nothing to fear. However, if you post days after the assignment is due, then I will not respond right away in order to provide a satisfactory response to others who do post their assignments on time.

Therefore, if you do have issues with technology in the future, I ask that you come to be prior to the due date (e.g. which is why I ask everyone not to wait until the last minute; although, it can be tempting!). If it is becoming a consistent thing, then I will act appropriately regarding each individual case. But I would like to reiterate that after this week, I will not accept late work.


  1. Ms. Chastain,

    I was having some problems learning how to do this whole blogging thing. I had my answers written on paper and I finally have it figured out. I should be showing caught up until today. If you cant see my posts or if there is something I did wrong when posting can you please let me know.


  2. Hi Jessica,

    I have not been able to view your posts. I would advise you to set up a conference with me (and bring in your posts on a flash drive), so we can fix this problem.
