Sunday, September 12, 2010

Class Materials

As I understand there have been some students who have still not received class materials because of Financial Aid constraints. I understand that this is not in your control. Therefore, I have learned from the Director of Developmental Writing that there is an English 100 book which includes the essays we have read thus far in the Hearnes Center (e.g. the library). This text is on reserve at the front desk, so if you fall into this category, you may at any time during the library's hours access this text from the main desk; however, because it is on reserve, it must stay in the library. So plan on spending a sufficient amount of time allowing you to read assigned essays and respond to whatever journal entry is due. You will need your Missouri Western ID card to access this material. As I have stated I do not accept late work. Until you receive your financial aid voucher(s) to access the class materials, I will assume that you are either using whatever materials are available to you (e.g. meaning you can access it through the library or a friend). To allow enough time to do so, you have until Monday, Sept. 20 to catch up on the entries that have been due to your blog. However, this does not include the prewriting strategy that was due Monday, Sept. 6, because this post did not require a text, those who have not posted will not receive credit. If you are late on any further assignments, it will not be accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact me by email.

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