Thursday, September 9, 2010

Evaluation (Options)

If you are wondering how I may evaluate blogs, please see the scoring guide below. It is beneficial for you to see how you are doing with the journal responses (e.g. meaning I don't want you to be completely baffled if you don't do well on a journal response). I will not accept late work after this week as stated in the syllabus.


Each blog post will be assessed individually, normally during the mid-semester and final portfolio review, according to the following scale:

* 10 Points—The blog post and/or comment displays an active and critical engagement with the topic with well-chosen and attributed quotes and summaries of the readings and/or class discussion (including previous student comments). The comment is free of sentence level errors and grammatical errors or contains so few that the casual reader does not notice them.

* 8-9 points—The blog post and/or comment displays an active engagement with the topic with quotes and summaries of the readings and/or class discussion (including previous student comments). The comment might include some sentence level errors and grammatical errors but they are either so infrequent or unimportant that they are barely noticeable.

* 7-8 Points—The blog post and/or comment displays adequate engagement with the topic and normally includes at least some summary of the reading and/or a reference to the class discussion (including previous student comments). The comment may contain some sentence-level and grammatical errors but they are not distracting.

* 5-6 points—The blog post and/or comment does not display adequate engagement with the topics, often relying on cliché or “common sense” to avoid critically engaging with the ideas. The comment includes distracting sentence-level and grammatical errors.

* 0-5 points—The blog post and/or comment provides little more than an “I agree,” “I think this is interesting,” or similar off-hand responses that contain little or no thought. The comment is riddled with editing and proofreading errors. Comments posted late but before the subsequent portfolio assessment cannot receive more than two points.

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