Friday, October 15, 2010

Summary Response to Whitfield's essay.

Post your summary response to Whitfield's essay as a comment on the class blog.


  1. Whitfield's essay is about society and education.Suburban school's recieve money.While inner city schools have lack of safety, teachers and students who value education, also the condition of school's.

  2. The Whitfield essay talks about the look in inner city schools vs. suburban schools. The inner city schools were neglected in the benefits that were available to a suburban school. It reflected on violence, gangs, no value in education and inequality, and the look at the educational system.

  3. The Whitfield's essay talks about two diffeent type of schools-Suburban Schools and Inner City Schools. Starts off by saying how the suburban school have all of these advantages and such higher education. Then goes into detail about the inner city school how the schools not very well eduation, the teachers don't care, students fear going to school which causes them not to learn well, just over all not a safe environment.

  4. Whitfield's essay states that the inner citys schools don't get any money, any supplyies, or even tachers who care to try. The Outer schools have all the good neiborhoods around them, get all the funding, and donations to the schools programs. They even get new lounging areas to realax and be comfertible in while reading and the inner schools cant even afford books to learn from or desks to even sit in. money could be more evenly disperced so that all students could have oppertunities to learn and contribute to our society.

  5. Whitfield's essay states that the inner city schools don't ge any money, any learning tools or supplys and dont even have teachers who care to try and teach the children. while the outer city schools, surrounded by all the good neighbor hoods, get all the money and federal funding and donations form their students families to support and fund all their programs and clubs. the inner schools dont even have enough money to buy books to learn fro or desks to set in, while the outer schools get new lounges and all kinds of comfteble areas to set and relax while their students do soe studying or catch up on some reading. the money that is funded to these schoold could be better dispersed so that every child would have what they need to get an education and be given the chance to be a productive member of our society.

  6. sorry for some reason it showed my first coment had been deleted soi thought i had to re-do it... :/

  7. Whitfields essay is focoused on how inner schools differ from suburban schools and that the inner schools are getting worse in society while suburban schools have the funds to have the textbooks and teachers needed for their students. He uses Kozol's book to describe how kids with violence in their community and school have no chance to retain and gain knowledge. He also talks about how his own school and community took action when violence was present by eliminating the colors of gangs and solving the bomb threats that happened regularly. He also argues how teachers play a big role in why kids don't value education because most teacher's don't care what happens to there students in there classrooms. His main point of the essay is how our educational system needs to see the problems in inner city schools and make efforts to solve those problems.

  8. Whitfields essay talked about inner city schools and the multiple probles the scools have. The essay also talked about how the teachers did not care about the students and would watch tv insted of teaching. Also how the school was a very dirty place and the students really disliked it.

  9. In Whitfield's essay, "Children Left Behind", She talks about how inner city schools and suburban schools are treated different by the government. She explains how inner city schools pay more attention ,and spend money on the violence in the school instead of the students education, such as buying textbooks. While on the other hand suburban schools gets funds to buy new textbooks, and money to remodel thier schools. Whitfield talked about the difference in teachers and students between the two schools. She also uses her high school experiences to relate to Kozol story as well.

  10. Whitfield's essay talks about how inner city schools do not get the funding that other schools do. It says that the schools are less safe and kids worry more about their safety than their education. The teachers don't get the supplies they need and in turn they don't teach the way the teachers at other schools do. It also talks about the condition of the schools and how they are falling apart but that no one tries to fix them.

  11. Whitfields essay "Children Left Behind," talks about inner city school do not get funding like the other schools. The teachers do not get the textbooks or supplies they need, so that makes some teachers not teach as well as they could. Students in the school do not feel safe at school so they do not focus on their education.

  12. Whitfield's essay brings to light the difference in attitudes toward inner city schools and suburban schools. She discusses how funds are allocated differently, the physical conditions of the schools, the attitudes of the teachers and how violence surrounding the schools affects the students’ performances. All of these things contributing to inner city school students not being as successful as students in a suburban school setting.

  13. In Whitfield's essay it discusses the differences between inner city schools and suburban schools while favoring suburban school settings. It is imposed that inner city school arent being supplied with the means necessary to where suburban school students are so they are more successful. The essay is portraying how there are some children left behind when it comes to education.

  14. The Whitfield's eassy is about the differences between two differnt kind of schools. The Suburban school and the inner city schools. It talkes about how they are differnt and how they feel that not all kids get the same education. They feel that kids who go to a surburban school are being less educated. It also talkes about violence.

  15. Whitfields essay "Children Left Behind" talks about the differences in schools. Where a surburban school receives money and the students are twice as likely to go to college. Where in the inner schools the students have to battle the violence, gangs, bomb threats, and teachers that dont care. So the students from the inner schools are more likely to disappear into thin air, or never amount to anything, or end up in prison.

  16. "Children Left Behind" talks about the diffrence between inner city schools and surburban school. How surburban school with money have a better chance to go to college. Inner city schools have to deal with so much more at home in terms of poverty, violence in the community and suviving is more of the focus then getting an education is.

  17. In Whitfields essay, she talks about the differences in schools. From those that come from an inner city school to those that come from a suburban school. The kids that are in the inner city schools don't really have a chance with education, and don't have money to go to college and also they feel that they are in an "unsafe" environment for education whereas the kids that are going to the suburban schools are more likely to go on to college, because they have the money, and are in what they feel as a "safe" environment.

  18. Whitfields essay is about inner city schools and suburban schools, how inner city schools seem more focused on violence rather than safey,textbooks and things to better the learning. How the teachers arent really there for there education they are just there to get paid. The condition of their school is horrible and noone really cares besides one teacher.

  19. In the story by Whitfild she talks about how inner city schools dont have textbooks, and not a lot of money. The teachers didnt care if the students came to class, did the work, or dropped out. V.s the suburban schools, who has money to buy textbooks, and teachers that care about their students. Then she talks about her high school exdperience. She mentions the gang violence, and bomb threats that happened. At the end of the story she speaks about a teacher name Mr. Al Grazino. How she didnt where she would be with him. Also the school was rebuild, she was thankful for that.

  20. Whitfield’s essay talks about the differences between schools. How schools are concerned about violence and baught handcuffs instead of text books. She also talks about how some kids get cheated out of their education because the teachers let the students get by with not taking finals if they had an A in the class.

  21. Whitfields essay talks about the differences between inner city schools and suburban schools.Whitefeild talks about how the school is so focused on the gang violence they spend more money on patrol then textbooks. Also talks about inner city teachers giving A's in the class and they would take no tests.

  22. "Children Left Behind" is comparing the schools that are in the urban area and the schools out in the suburban. Urban area students gets the lack of everything maybe even the hand me downs from the suburban schools when it's time for them to get new books and everything. She is basically saying that they are not getting treated fairly like they are suppose to. But if you think about it you have to start with supporting the schools, thats why most inner city schools have what they havebecause it starts with the community.

  23. Summery response to “Children Left Behind” by Hilary Whitfield

    Whitfield makes a very bold statement when she says, "We can no longer let inner city kids disappear into thin air, because if it continues to happen, how many more kids will we lose before someone steps up to change it."

    Followed by another by saying, "It is a fact that if a kid doesn't feel safe during school, it's likely they won’t be able to retain the knowledge they need for school. Violence is not only in the school but leaks into the community as well."

    This is the entire concept of her story, from the violence she describes outside and around the schools, to the dilapidated conditions of schools and the need for teachers who care enough to make a difference. Pointing out that the school would rather buy handcuffs than text books. She also points out what can happen when at least one teacher or in her case principle, can happen when they just show they care.

  24. “Children Left Behind” written by Hilary Whitfield was mainly about the difference between inner city and suburban schools. It talks about why the suburban schools have better conditions, books, and teachers so the children are more likely to go on to college. It also talks about how violence can distract students from reaching their full potential in the class room. Whitfield says that if the educational system is not fixed you will see the dropout and prison population rate increase
