Friday, October 15, 2010

Summary Response to Bird's Essay

Post a summary response to Bird's Essay as a comment to the class blog.


  1. Bird's essay states that college is only for students who really love school and learning. He says that all the hype of college is no good, there is simply not as many jobs avaliable overy year for the amount of students that recive degrees for that field. when people noticed statisicaly that college graduates tended to have better jobs and have more success they said maybe everyone should go to college and everyone would have good jobs. actually its just recently been realized that people wernt succeding beter because they went to college but it was actually just the kind of people that were attracted to college had better chances for sucess.

  2. Caroline Birds essay brought up some points regarding life after a college education. It is true that a college degree is far better then just that of a high school diploma, however it reflected on the job markets and that of their career choice not being available for them to transition into after graduation. It stated that more of the college experience to be more personal gains then the intellectual development.

  3. In Birds essay she tells how most people go to college because they are pressured by their parents to go. She says they do this because if the go to college they automatically think they will get a good job and lots of money. She also states that college doesn’t work for everyone that goes. It talks about how most kids are so unhappy while at school because they were forced to come to college. She gives a large amount of statistics about jobs available to those who finish college. The most important thing she says in this paper to me is that high school graduates should think about college and see if it’s worth the time and money to attend.

  4. "Where College Fails Us" about how we deal with life after we graduate high school. But when you do decide to go to college so of the ways that it might "fail" you is that there maybe no jobs after you graduate also you may not have enough money to continue on after high school. Even if you do decide to go to college you may or may not get the job of your dreams.

  5. Where College Fails Us Questions and Review
    My experiences in college has been very beneificail to my life. My classes help me better understand the thought process and my study and thinking skills have improved emensly. I can think through the problems on my own much better than I did in high school. My teachers her at missouri western are very friendly and helpful. I can read a passage and understand and comprehend it better. I can gather my thoughts and put them on paper much better than in high schoool.

    My study habbits and my time managment has increased much more than if I would not have came to college. Durind high school I was a major procrastinator. I now put my school in high priority and get my work done and on time as much as I can.

    The only class that I take that I think has no major meaning is my university 101 class. In the class we do not have any real meaning it feels like. The teacher just talks about things us students should already know and the teacher is older so he cannot relate as eaisly to us as a younger one could.

    I decided to go to college to further my education and acheive a degree to be a band director for a school in the future. I wll become financialy stable and have a good life doing something I enjoy for a living.

  6. In the essay "Where College Fails Us,", Birds talks about alots of reasons of why college fails us. She talks about how parents and high teachers pressures students to go to college. Also many other things as well.

  7. "Where College Fails Us", talks about if college is even for everybody, because most people find there answer after having to spend money to go to college. most students usually dropout and still have to pay back student loans because even though they made there mind up they still got caught up in it. Most students also have pressure from other people outside of school like parents who first forces them to go not even asking there opinion if they like to or not. Then they expect alot out them and get mad if they don't that's really not fair to them.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Bird's essay about "How College Fails Us" is about how only people who love school and want to be in school should go. Basically, there are too many people going to college because they feel they have to. There are not enough jobs for the people who are getting a degree. Kids are forced to go to college and then they don't try very hard because they don't really want to be there.

  10. In Birds essay she talks about how most parents want their kids to go to college so they force them to go on some occasions and then they end up hating it. They hate it and fail out so it looks even worse when they are trying to get a good job. It also says that even if they go and they do graduate they still might not get the career they were expecting to get.

  11. Where College Fails Us...
    Bird discusses how students are pressured by their parents to go to college after high school. Bird also discusses that there will not be as many jobs, as graduates in their field of study when they receive their diploma.So maybe it might be smarter to take the money that you were going to invest in a college degree and invest it in something else that may pay off better in the future.

  12. Summery response to “Where College Fails Us” by Caroline Bird
    Bird says essentially that college may not be a good fit for everyone straight out of high school. That there should be other motivating factors for going to college, other than pressure from one’s parents, or to make lots of money. For most, college is unappreciated for at least the first two years, and the efforts by students reflect it. She explains how it would be better for some to experience the real world first, than think about college after a taste of life.

  13. In the story "Where College Fails Us", it starts of the story by talkin about how college helps people earn more money to become better people in the future. Caroline bired talk about how most kids go to college because their parents pressure them to or they dont want a low paying job. Then sh talks about how coolege is for people that are intellegen, happy, ambitions, and quick learners. Next she speaks about different jobs, and how most graduates will be able to achieve those jobs and most wont.

  14. In the Story "Where College Fails Us," by Caroline Bird it talks about problems that people have when they go to college and the and whether or not they would get a job when they graduate college. It also has statistics about how there are too many people that are in majors and how there are not enough jobs. It also talked about how people spend too much time and money to just go to take atleast four years out of thier lifes jut to get a degree and sell shoes or drive a taxi cab and getting a degree for nothing.

  15. "Where College Fails Us" talks about how college is just a hype. He explains that alot of people that go to college are forced from parents and only wants to live up to what society feels you should do with your life. He also says that he feels that students should go straight into the work force.

  16. "where college fails us" is the debate we have been arguing this century. Back in the day, going to college ment geting a high paying job. Now it gives us only a chance for a decent paying job. We don't have the economy we used to have and it's hurting our college students when they graduate. They might not even work in the field of their study, but something completely different.

  17. In Bird's essay "Where college fails us" he talks about how students right out of high school are pressured into going straight to college by their parents. He talks about if you go to college you have to want to be there or else you will not really care, he also thinks that some students should go straight into the workforce.

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