Monday, October 25, 2010

Analysis to Jonathan Kozol's "Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools"

Post your analysis to Kozol's text (pages. ix - 7) using the comment feature.


  1. I am not surprised by the fact that Kozel's interests were turned a different direction. I couldn't imagine trying to teach in the conditions he was describeing and for them to say that Frost and Hughes were to advanced was a surprise. I wouldn't think they would care what was being taught as long as it was something of quality. I am curious as to why he would want to go back into it, it says something about his character. I was impressed by his comment, "I often wondered why we would agree to let our children go to school in places where no politician, school board president, or business CEO would dream of working." I am wondering what if anything comes out of this book. You can scream fire all you want but it doesn't mean anyone is going to evacuate, I am wondering if his researched caused any change.

  2. In my opinion, the schools that Kozol talks about in his book Savage Inequalities should be closed and torn down. It is a shame that children are even sent to these school. No wonder people that come from areas like this remain in these areas. We are showing children that there is no different way, no way out and further more that there is no hope.

  3. My opinion,the way Kozol went teach in a inner city school and got fired for teaching an "inflammatory" poem. This is not surprising to me because where I'm from the inner city school's are not recommended to read or learn things that was too advance for the students. So for me to read this story about what Kozol did it,actually makes me happy that someone sees what the inner city school systems do to students.

  4. In Kozol's "Savage Inequalities", he talks about where he used to teach and that he lost his job for reading what they considered inappropriate poems. The schools were not in good condition and the children had made it to fourth grade when they could not even do first grade math, or read at a second grade level. The children are brought up in horrible conditions, and most believe they will never get out of those conditions. I am outraged that the children had to go to school in areas where they can't concentrate, and get a decent education, and that teachers get fired for trying to make a difference in a student's life. I am proud that Kozol decided to teach and to travel and see what other conditions schools are in. I believe everyone should understand that not everyone gets the same education.

  5. In my opinion the school that he goes to and sees the childrens classrooms are not appropriate for them to learn and be happy in is sad. I remember in my classrooms in school where full of drawings, writings, and paintings that we did. Not to mention that the room also had decorative signs that the school or teacher's provided themselves. I know that not everyone has money to help out with this, but even if each parent purchased one thing for their childs room it would make it more pleasant. Honestly, why wouldn't the school do a more thorough check on the teachers that they hire to ensure that the children would be taught things daily. I guess I can't compare it to anything that I've seen because the schools I went to where all in good condition.

  6. In my opinion,The schools in Kozol's book should not be open to the public. I wouldnt want me childern going to school where the teachers dont care and the classroom were not in good condition. I feel like, if the parents and teachers cared a little more about thier students and or childern, they would have more hope to be successful in life.

  7. In Jonathan Kozol's "Savage Inequalitys" He talks about how he was fired for teaching authers that were "too advanced" for children. I have herd of people being fired for stupid reasons but this is really bad. I think that the timid burreaucracy, that is our whole school system in high school and elementary schools, is the reason that he was fired. also our schools administrations are too far detatched from the students to understand the new things that are going on in our teen-ager's lifes. They are too afraid to teach children new things and to branch out and grow our minds to know more things than just the little bit we know.

  8. in "Savage Inequalities" Kozol tells us about how he goes back to elementary schools across the country because he had found that he had missed talking with school children. he talks about how there are still segregated schools in some cities. I think the reason why it is hard for people to see the segregation in these certain cities is because we kind of camouflage it. Since there are more African Americans that live in these poor conditions there are kind of forced to be segregated and come together as a community to help themselves out.

  9. I think the parents shouldn't let their children attend schools in inner city like the one Kozol describes. The children are not given a chance at an education, nor a good start on life.

  10. I think that the children really dont have any say so on weather they go to this school or that school thats really up to the parents. the parents knew what type of of town they weree araising there kid in before that child was even born. I also think that some kids families dont have the money to move out the inner city, so that really just have to make the best out of there situation.
