Thursday, October 7, 2010

Advice When Writing Task Three

Please read the following information listed below before you actually begin with this writing assignment.


  • Bear in mind that you simply cannot respond to every point the author makes, so choose a few that seem key to you to discuss. Your choices should be guided by your own interests and reactions. Therefore, you should be developing points in depth and complexity, rather than trying to cover everything.

  • Pay very close attention to formatting. Since this essay is intended for an academic audience, you need to properly integrate quotations and paraphrasing into your paper as well as understand how to follow MLA in-text documentation and complete a works cited page. if you are not sure about something, or if this is new to you, don't hesitate to ask me  for additional assistance. 
  • Do not be afraid to voice objections to the text and disagree. Your responses should be based on your honest reactions.

  • You should not be afraid to use two texts.

  • You are not using this text to prove something else, so stay grounded.

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