Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to Properly Cite a Quotation Using MLA Style

"Where College Fails Us" by Caroline Bird

How to cite using MLA:

"Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves--they are spoiled, stoned, overindulged, and expecting too much" (Bird 195).

FAQ:  One thing that you want to do before you include a quote from a source is to identify the source by title and author. 

"Where College Fails Us" written by Caroline Bird, .....

Establish a lead in to a quote.

Bird writes "The case for college has been accepted without question for more than a generation" (195).

Notice that I did not include the last name of the author in the parenthesis. This is because the author's last name is stated at the beginning of the sentence.

FAQ:  A quote should never appear at the beginning of a paragraph or at the end of a paragraph.

Think of a supporting paragraph as TEE or as outlined below:

Topic sentence

Topic sentence:  Sociology has become a favorite major on socially conscious campuses, but graduates find that social reform is hardly a paying occupation.
Example:  Male sociologists  from the University of Wisconsin  reported as gainfully employed a year after graduation included a legal assistant, sports editor, truck unloader, Peace Corps worker, publications director, and a stockboy--but no sociologist per se.
Evidence:  The highest paid worked for the post office.

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