Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Student Summaries: "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood" by Leon Botstein

From Damond, Josh Z.,& Tyler

Leon Botstein is explaining in his essay something that crosses a teenager's mind while going through the process of getting an education. Botstein also mentions how once a certain age group reaches a certain age and hits puberty, it's that much harder to comprehend and focus on what is important. Leon does not agree with the idea of a middle school; he thinks the schools should be combined and middle school should start at kindergarten and stop at the seventh grade level.

The story by Leon Botstein, "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood," tells us different problems throughout the school system. Leon describes how some administrators and faculty actually care about students' education. Kid in the school system today mature faster and are put into outside experiences sooner. Students face peer pressure, cliques and other obstacles. Leon states how children nowadays should also begin elementary school at age four or five and end at sixth grade. Leon believes that by doing this would prepare kids for the work field sooner instead of being disappointed by teachers and wrong choices made throughout school.

From Savanna, Greg & Kyle

Botstein talks about how kids should graduate at age 16 and also get rid of middle school. He says there are cliques, people hold sway because of popularity, good looks, and sports prowess. He also states the rules of high school aren't the rules of life.

In "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood" by Leon Botstein, he talks about how kdis should graduate from high school at age 16. He says there should be no middle school anymore. He says elementary schools should start at kindergarten and end in seventh grade. Also Botstein says there are many cliques and people hold sway because of popularity, good looks, and sports prowess. Also Botstein tells us the rules of high school aren't the rules of life.

From Amy, Chris & Josh D.

Leon Botstein, "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood," reflects on how the American high school is outdated and should be restructured. Due to the younger generation maturing faster than students in the past, the institution designed to transition or direct them to adulthood, prevents them from captitalizing on their opportunities.

Young people mature substantially earlier in the 20th century than when high school was invented. By the time those who graduate from high school, and go on to college and realize what really is at stake in becoming an adult, too many opportunities have been lost on and too much time has been wasted.

From Atlana, Haley, & Aza

Leon Botstein who wrote "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood," in this essay he talks about the cliques in high school, peer pressure, ending high school at 16 and the removal of middle school. Throughout this essay, he talks about the dominance of team sports in the high school environment, and the problems that grow in high school and community.

From Cliff, Josh & Jeshurun

In "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood" by Leon Botstein, he argues that the American high school is outdated and need restruction. Botstein says schools spend too much time supporting artificial behavior in students and supporters because of sports and cliques. Instead of concentrating on good teacher and student individuality.

From Jerann, Clay & Tyler

In "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood" by Botstein, he states how secondary schools are outdated. He talks about how high school sports over take the school. Botstein believes that middle school should be taken out and children should just go straight to high school. Botstein thinks that teenagers should graduate at 16. Because the adults just put the high schoolers in school all day because they don't want to deal with adolescents.

From Kyle, Kayde & Scotty

In his article, "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood," Leon Botstein discusses the overall need for improvement in American education. With the age of maturity in question, he suggests that after grade school, children should be sent to high school in order to graduate at 16. After graduating high school, they would go onto work manual labor or take technical training before moving onto get a higher education. In his opinion or argument, he states, "By the time those who graduate from high school go onto college and realize what's really at stake and becoming an adult to many opportunities have been lost and to much time has been wasted" (p. 205). Most college freshmen are confused and unaware of what they want for themselves, so if they graduate earlier they will be even further behind and without success.

From Korey & Krista

In Leon Botstein's essay "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood," he thinks high school should be abolished. Sports in high schools are more important than anything else. The outsiders of the school become more successful than the admired students. He believes at the age of 16, they are ready for adulthood. He believes you should go straight to high school after elementary school and do away with junior high. He thinks by the time who graduate from high school and go onto college and realize what really is at stake in becoming an adult, to many opportunities have been lost and to much time waster. At 16, young Americans are prepared to be taken seriously and to develop the motivations and interests that will serve them well in adult life.

From Arion, April & Colton

Leon Botstein's essay "Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood," he explains how schools focus more on sports and other areas rather than the children. Botstein says kids should not be in school until they are 18, they should cut out middle school and graduate at 16 and begin adulthood. They should enter the world of work, national service, and take responsibility. "At the age of 16, young Americans are prepared to be taken seriously" (207).

From Cristina, De'Angelo & Kirk

The main point of this paper is that the American high school is obsolete and should be abolished. Team sports are more dominant than student culture, and no matter how popular in high school, it doesn't determine how popular or successful you will be after school. The only reason high school is so long is that adults don't want to deal with teenagers. The educational system should abandon middle school and rearrange classes because by the time they graduate, to many opportunities have passed them by. By the age of 16, they are prepared to be taken seriously and move into their adult life.

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