Monday, August 23, 2010

Further Assistance for Task One

Amy Chastain

English 100

Task One

Sept. 20, 2010

Describing Significance Carefully

For this assignment you will be asked to recall a meaningful person, place or event and to describe the significance of that person, place or event in a way that will make your audience understand how much this person, place or event meant/means to you.

Questions to consider:

  • Why does this person, place or event matter to you? How did it change you, or the way you view or life?
  • How can you convey that signficiance to your audience? What makes it unique? Why do you remember it?


  • To use structure, details and focus in a way that create a readable, well-constructed, interesting essay.
  • To incorporate a thesis statement.
  • To write to an intended audience.

You will be writing this paper as a narrative, meaning you will tell a story. Your audience will be your peers and myself. More specifically, assume your audience does not know much about you, so that is why you need to be thorough. Examples will play a crucial role in this paper, so your audience can identify with you. Also keep in mind you are now writing college-level papers, so you need to be more aware of your voice, word choice, paragraph unity, development and coherence.

Details, focus and structure are key to all types of writing, and for this first paper we will be looking at them closely, so you can begin building your foundation to successful college-level writing.

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